How To Market Your Business On Instagram

Instagram is one of the biggest social media networks in the world with over 1 billion active users every month!

If you are a small business owner and you’re not using Instagram you’re definitely missing out because this is a platform to use to connect to your customers!

Because you searched for this video it means that you are curious and you understand the power of Instagram marketing. 

My name is Milena Gacesa and I’m the author of the book The Art of soft selling, and I’m an online marketing & sales coach for small service based businesses!!

I help you grow your business by showing you how to generate leads, customers and sales by using the newest and most effective online marketing strategies! If you are interested in learning about how to grow your business online.

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Now let’s go over the best tips and practises for marketing your business on Instagram, connections with your ideal audience and becoming a social media rockstar!

Tip 1: Optimize Your Bio

What does this mean? This means that you have a small area on your Instagram bio to describe exactly what you do and who you do it for so you have to use it wisely.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you want to get people to follow you so it’s important to let them know why they should follow you and how it benefits them.

Lastly you want to have a call to action in your bio because you want to get them off Instagram and building your email list. Offer them something super enticing like a free book, a checklist or a mini training.

You get only one link in your bio and what I recommend you do for the best use of that precious digital real estate is instead of having that be your website, have it be your opt in.

Keep in mind that most people are on Instagram through their mobile phone so make sure that wherever you’re sending them is optimized for the phone.

Tip 2: Stay Consistent

Stay consistent means that you have a regular schedule of when you are posting and engaging. So that means things like responding to comments, DMing people, and overall just being active on the platform. This helps people know that you are active and reliable and trustworthy.

Tip 3: Branding

Have a consistent look to your account that is visually appealing as well as recognizable. Use consistent colours, fonts and filters.

Tip 4: Use All IG Tools

Use the stories, lives, feeds, etc. See which one works best for your audience and what you like.

Tip 5: Hashtags

Hashtags are super important because that’s how you get found on Instagram. You have to start with hashtag research. Do a little digging to find what you competitors are using in their hashtags to attract their audience. Also find out what hashtags your ideal clients are using.

Keep your hashtags organized somewhere in your phone. I like to keep my hashtags in my notes on my iPhone so I can easily copy and paste them.

Be careful not to use the same hashtags over and over again. It’s best to come up with 100-150 hashtags and use the applicable ones for each post. After a little while you want to find new hashtags so that you find a new audience.

Tip 6: Timing Matters

You could start off by posting three times a day, and the best times are between 8 and 9 AM, 5 PM and 2 AM. For videos, 9 PM is the best time. To sum it up you really want to be posting outside of regular business hours.

If you can’t post every day, Monday and Thursday are the best days to post.

Tip 7: Instagram Ads

Instagram ads are very effective because they are owned by Facebook and Facebook knows where you are, what you’re doing and what you had for breakfast. I’m kidding!! Or am I? 😉

All kidding aside Facebook has the best algorithm allowing you to pinpoint exactly who you want to show your ads to so if you are a dog groomer, you’re not wasting money showing your ads to pet-less people. Is that a word? It is now.

Tip 8: DM

DM stands for Direct Messaging and it’s a way to network and connect with people. So slide into those DMs!!

Main tip about DM-ing someone is to make it about them and not you. Give them value and don’t be a Spammy-Tammy!

Do not.. I repeat do not pitch them your product or service in your first message. And don’t DM people asking them to follow you. Unless it’s your mom.. then by all means.

Generally do or say something to them asking for or expecting anything in return. Use the ads for that!

Don’t forget to click the link in the description to download a FREE digital copy of my book The Art Of Soft Selling. There is no hidden fees.. it goes straight to your inbox. Be sure to check out Chapter 4 on Branding and Social Media.

If you would like to see if we are a good fit to grow your biz using online marketing, send me an email telling me about your business and where you need help.

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Picture of Milena Gacesa

Milena Gacesa

Milena is a published business author and coach who helps small business owners get clients using proven online marketing and sales strategies.

After 15 years of operating her own small business, she is now on a mission to help entrepreneurs find clients and create irresistible offers that convert into sales!

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