Video Marketing Strategies | 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Start Video Marketing in 2020

Are your marketing efforts not getting great results? Your website is great and the content spot on but still no leads or conversions? Today I’m going to teach you how to grow your business, maximize sales using video marketing.

Why video? Well simply video works better than text based SEO strategies because it’s a better way to connect with your audience and people enjoy watching video over reading these days.

Also Google loves videos and because it’s the parent organization behind YouTube it directly impacts your website’s overall search engine ranking. As a matter fact if a video is embedded in your website, your chances to be on top of search results increased by more than 50 times.

My name is Milena Gacesa and I’m the author of the book The Art Of Soft Selling, and I’m an online marketing & sales coach for small service based businesses!!

I help you grow your business by showing you how to generate leads, customers and sales by using the newest and most effective online marketing strategies! 

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Who loves stats? I do! According to Mirror Review, an average user spends 88% more time on a website with video, 72% of people would rather learn about a product or service through video.

Viewers are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video compared to 10% when reading in a text format.

So if you are not using video to market your business, you are seriously missing out.

Let’s get into how you can get faster sales through video.

Tip 1: Keyword Research

You have to know what people are searching for in your niche. To do that you can use a tool called Keywords Everywhere which will tell you the monthly search volume for a particular phrase. That way you are not wasting your time guessing and creating videos that no one is interested in.

Tip 2: Practice Makes Perfect

If you are new to creating videos I would suggest doing practice videos on your phone daily if you can just to get used to talking into a camera. Also practised asking questions and being engaging.

Most importantly you want to have a call to action or several calls to action throughout your video. This means that you want the person watching your video to do something like subscribe to your email list or go visit your website or sign up for your event.

For example I ask people in my videos to either check out another video that I’ve done or get a free copy of my book. I also asked people to subscribe like and comment. So you always want to grow your channel get email subscribers and engage with your audience.

Tip 3: Transcribe Your Video

There are a couple of reasons why you want to transcribe your video. Number one is sometimes people can’t have their sound on because they’re either in bed or at work or some other place where they can’t listen so they want to be able to read what your video is about.

Number two is by transcribing the video you can re-purpose that onto other social media channels and even create quotes out of it which is something that I do for my Instagram. You can either transcribe your video yourself or you can use services to get that video transcribed like

Tip 4: Use Keywords and Tags

When you do your original search for which keywords are ranking high you want to include those in what you’re saying in your text, and in the tags if you’re uploading it to YouTube. You will see the tag option when you are uploading your video and you separate the phrases with commas. This will help you get more traffic.

Tip 5: Share Everywhere

Share your videos everywhere. Embed it into your blog, send it out to your email list, all your social media channels, to your friends. It’s important to do this within 24 hours of publishing your video because If YouTube sees that you are getting traffic it will continue to suggest your video.

Tip 6: Engage

If people leave a comment on your video or posts about your video make sure you acknowledge them and respond to their comment. This is how you start building relationships and it encourages people to continue to engage with your content and want to see your next video.

Here is and example with someone who many of you know. The first time I met Gary Vaynerchuck before he was as big as he is today.. I was taking pictures at an event where he was speaking and during his book signing he looked over at me and said “thank you for taking pictures today, you’re doing a great job” and I instantly became a huge fan. This is why Gary Vee is as big as he is today! He shows he cares.

For Social Media tips check out Chapter 4 in my book The Art Of Soft Selling. You can get your FREE copy in the description!!

If you want more help with your video market and digital marketing you can send me an email at or visit my website.

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Picture of Milena Gacesa

Milena Gacesa

Milena is a published business author and coach who helps small business owners get clients using proven online marketing and sales strategies.

After 15 years of operating her own small business, she is now on a mission to help entrepreneurs find clients and create irresistible offers that convert into sales!

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