How To Close Sales Consultations Over The Phone

Are you tired of tire kickers and time wasters on your sales conversation?

It’s great to get many bookings on your calendar but when those calls are not converting it can be exhausting and quite discouraging. So in this video we will go over the best ways to get ROI from each call that leads to a paying client eager to work with you!

In this video I will share the top 3 things to keep in mind as you go into your sales call and the first tip is..

Tonality, confidence and energy – essentially how you come across.

What you want to do is match their energy because people feel more comfortable around people who are similar to them. It’s about building rapport because getting a client to want to work with you is all about the connection they feel with you. By mirroring their energy it subconsciously builds that rapport.

So for example if the prospect is soft spoken and quiet you don’t want to be talking a mile a minute al level 10 volume. It will be quite uncomfortable for them to listen to you…and same is true for if the person you are speaking with is highly energetic and you sound like you just woke up from a nap. So to the best of your ability try to match them while always sounding confident. 

And don’t forget to BREATHE! You don’t want the prospect to be like “Hello, you there..” and you are passed out on the floor. So what you want to do is have them talking most of the time which brings me to…

Tip #2 – 80/20 Rule

Talk 20% percent and they talk 80%, ask a lot of questions and listen really well. Not only will this give you time to breathe but also it will allow you to really uncover the problem and understand the person you are speaking with. You want to start with easy questions and slowly dig deeper and ask questions based on their again this helps you uncover their pain so you can position your service as the solution.

What this looks like is..let’s say you’re a love coach.. you want to start asking questions about what apps they have tried and what has been their dating experience  so far? If they tell you they have tried 2 sites but are not meeting quality people you can ask what qualities are they looking for that they haven’t been able to find.. when they tell you what they are, you can ask them why those qualities are important to them…so do you see how those questions build on each other and become more meaningful?

Now here is a secret super important tip….do not, I repeat do not interrupt them while you listen. You might be tempted to because you want to ask your next question but resist the urge..even if there is a few seconds of silence..because at that point usually their brain is turning and they could be having a major aha if you notice there might be more they want to share just say something like “Is there anything else about that, that’s coming up” and usually whatever they say after that is the thing, the gold, the aha moment! When in your listening you’ve created the space for them to realize what the real problem is, is where they TRUST you. And trust is everything when making a buying decision.

Tip #3 – Ask if there is anything else.

After you’ve established that you’re a good fit, let them know how you can help them (aka your coaching package) and a closing tip is to ask them if there is anything else they need to know before making a decision. Often this is where they ask you for the price and its a comfortable way for you to answer it. Also after asking that, ask it again…say “Is there anything else you need to know to be able to make a decision” and keep answering those questions until there are no more questions and then ask the prospect what they would like to do? Thats where they tell you that they would like to go ahead and work with you or not. Doing it this way allows the prospect to lean in and tell you they want to work with you as opposed to lean back and feel sold to.

Alright lets’ recap..

#1Tonality and mirroring to establish rapport, #2 80/20 rule where you talk 20% and listen 80% and finally #3 Ask if there is anything else they need before making a decision.

#salescalls #consultations #phonesales




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Picture of Milena Gacesa

Milena Gacesa

Milena is a published business author and coach who helps small business owners get clients using proven online marketing and sales strategies.

After 15 years of operating her own small business, she is now on a mission to help entrepreneurs find clients and create irresistible offers that convert into sales!

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