5 Steps To Run A Successful Sales Discovery Call

In today’s video I will take the “ick” out of discovery calls and show you how you can have authentic conversations without feeling salesy.

When you feel comfortable and confident in your calls you will naturally book more clients and grow your business. No more free strategy sessions only to never hear from your prospects again!

First, what is a discovery call? Essentially it’s a consultation to see if you and your prospect are a good fit to solve their problem. What it is not, is a free coaching session! I know, I know.. you want to help them and show them how great it is to work with you by demonstration that in a mini session. Unfortunately you’re likely not helping them if you’re putting a Band-Aid on a deep wound. Let me give you an example. Imagine you fall on a rusty nail and you go to the doctor and they say “oh that looks bad let me disinfect the surface and stop the bleeding because the removal surgery will cost money” and they put a Band-Aid on it. You walk away and you think you feel OK and think maybe you’ll be all right… A few days later your wound is infected! This could be what you’re doing to a prospect with a deep wound that requires more than a surface solution. The only way to know the condition of the wound is to ask questions to understand the extent of the problem.

Next qualify the prospect. A great way to give them a questionnaire or an application form and ask the pre-qualifying questions before the call so that you don’t waste your time and theirs if you know it won’t be a good fit. One of those questions is if they can invest and if so what is their budget? I know this might sound rude or inappropriate to ask and we are conditioned not to talk about money in our society… but if you phrase it in a soft way that it is natural for the prospect to answer because they also don’t want to get on a call and get sticker shock so you are doing yourself and them a favour by assessing this before the call. Now, if they tell you their budget is $300 in your program is $2000 it’s likely NOT a good fit …but if they say that their budget is $1500 you should still get on that call because you can help them figure out how to come up with the extra $500 or give them a payment plan. If they want to work with you, they will make it happen. Doing this will weed out all the tire kickers and set the right expectation for the call.

Third, you need to figure out if you can help them which means you have to ask questions and go deeper with each of the questions to understand the pain points. I will be filming a video on which questions to ask so make sure you subscribe and hit that notification button to be notified!

Fourth step is to summarize what they have told you and say it back to them in their words and ask them if they want to add anything to make sure nothing is missed..and the key thing is to really listen. People are not properly listen to these days and they are so blown away by someone who really heard and understand them.

Now the final step is to either invite them to work with you if you feel like it’s a good fit or if it’s not and you feel like you cannot help them, give them some resources or point them to someone who can help them. But if you are certain you can help them tell them that how you will help and invite them to work with you.

One thing here is to be careful not to go into too much details of the features of your program but rather the benefits of the program and how they relate to their specific situation. For example, if they told you they need customers but can’t afford to advertise monthly tell them how you can show them how you can get free traffic through social media. Keep it short and if they have a question they will ask. Talking too much will only confuse them and confusion. Overall just treat your client like you would be helping a good friend.

If you have any questions on this video and would like to see me cover another sales call related topic please comment below. I would love to hear from you!

#discoverycall #highticketsales #salescall








Book a free Discovery Call:  https://bit.ly/2WFfQV6
Website: https://theartofsoftselling.com

Email: milena@theartofsoftselling.com

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Picture of Milena Gacesa

Milena Gacesa

Milena is a published business author and coach who helps small business owners get clients using proven online marketing and sales strategies.

After 15 years of operating her own small business, she is now on a mission to help entrepreneurs find clients and create irresistible offers that convert into sales!

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